We have many unique, effective and time-tested programs which combines several rare ayurvedic techniques and cure for back pain, asthma, diabetes, piles, weight loss, infertility, obesity, pimples, rheumatoid arthritis, sinusitis, hair re-growth, knee pain, dandruff, paralysis, migraine, hair loss and hair fall, skin diseases, fibroids, knee joint pain, constipation, acidity, osteoarthritis, cholesterol, jaundice, sciatica, osteoporosis, haemorrhoids, gastric problems, cough, insomnia, psoriasis.
The ideal program for patient is arrived after an in-depth study on the patient’s physical health and medical history. |
If any ailment is disturbing you from a long period of time.Ayurveda is the answer in finding the best way to get rid off your illness
Neurological problem-paralysis, parkinsonism
Bone & Joint care- Spondylitis, Slip disc, Sciatica, Disc prolapse
Cardiac care- Hypertension, Hypercholestremia
Hair care- Dandruff, Hair fall, Alopecia
Skin care- Psoriasis, Eczema, Allergy, Pimples
Gynec care- White discharge, Menstrual problem, Fibroid, Infertility, PCOS
Child care- Immunity, Memory, Strength ans height improvement, Mild stone delay, Special child cases
Liver care- Hepatitis, Jaundice
Thyroid care- Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism
Diabetes care- Diabetes control, Diabetic wound
Geriatric care- Strength improvement, Constipation, Bone & Joint Care
Psychological consultation & treatment- Stress, Anxiety, Depression